Monday, February 22, 2010

ADMT photos:

My theme is perspectives.

Photo 1:
This photo was taken from my wardrobe handles. By right, they ARE parallel, but this was taken in a one point perspective, and the handles seem to meet at a single point.

Same goes for these guitar strings. Weird, right?

This tissue paper box was taken in a two point perspective. Notice how to "corner" of the tissue box is the closest to you.
The ruler is actually paralell but thanks to 1 point perspectievs, we have this:
But at top view:

Although this marble does not have straight lines i suppose you need construction lines from a two point perspective:(imagine my touchpad's not there, and the background is just blank.

but when at top view it looks boring, right?
So, in conclusion, I think perspective makes everyday objects look more interesting like the ruler or the handles, and one must master them to have good sketches.

Bad design

This is an everyday three pin divider, used by many people over the world. I wonder why nobody has found out this problem???

You see, when you plug in a three pinned plug here, it works without problems.

but look what happens when you try to plug a phone charger in too:

The charger does not go in completely and this could be kinda dangerous.Of course, you could plug it on the other side or just charge your phone somewhere else, but still, they could make chargers have that big portion stick out BEHIND the charger, not on top, as it interferes with the plug above.

And if you just try to plug it DOWNWARDS, it will collide with the wall or the table or anything near the power plug.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ADMT photography

1st picture(perspective-type)
the bottle is in a one point perspective from the floor beside the drain and is elaborated by the angle of the bench.

2nd picture.
A good trick taught by Mr Ifran.

3rd picture.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

ADMT portfollio:

this is a short animation that i made to encourage you all to not litter and destroy our mother earth. I know its stupid, okay????

As you can see in the animation, this guy litters and dies and the litter destroys the earth. In reality, litter will not grow into monsters to destroy the earth, but still, it will destroy earth in a different way. We litter too much, the air, sea and land gets too polluted, fish die, atmosphere gets "uglier" and before you know it: the food chain is broken, the air doesn't sustain life, we all die. So i beg you, do not litter.
It kills.

ADMT portfollio: